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George Randle

Best-Selling Author and Managing Partner, Head of HR Advisory The Talent War Group

George Randle is an experienced talent executive, veteran, coach, and leader known for selecting, building, and reorganizing teams to reach their full business potential. George has 20+ years of Fortune 100 and Fortune 1000 global Human Resources and Talent Acquisition experience building and coaching elite teams. George began his professional life by enlisting in the US Army Reserves. Following his successful military career, George transitioned to the corporate world, experiencing many of the same challenges Veterans face today. These challenges, along with the recognition that building elite teams are his true passion, George ultimately transitioned to the Human Resources and Talent Acquisition functions serving the last 10+ years as a global HR executive and leader. He is also co-author of the best-selling book, “The Talent War: How Special Operations and Great Organizations Win on Talent,” and co-host of The Talent War Podcast.