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The Human-Centric Organization: A New Era for Humans at Work

In this new era of the Human Organization, professional and personal priorities blend seamlessly, rather than creating a creating a competing set of priorities. But while this next evolutionary epoch is exciting, it’s not without its challenges.

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Last updated on May 24, 2022

For years, we worked in the era of “Work/Life Balance” – the idea that two distinct and competing sets of commitments, separated by a commute, needed to be maintained in some kind of healthy equilibrium. For all the trials and tribulations of the COVID-19 pandemic, the past two years have shattered this illusion. And it’s ushered in a new era in our relationship with work: the era of the Human Organization. 

In the era of the Human Organization, professional and personal priorities blend seamlessly. Many of us can work from virtually anywhere – the office, a home office, or as a digital nomad. Working asynchronously enables us to take care of our families, hit the gym mid-afternoon, or pursue that degree we’ve been putting off. But while this next evolutionary epoch is exciting, it’s not without its challenges. As millions participate in the Great Reprioritization, talent has never been harder to attract or retain. More agile and resilient organizations outpace the more efficient and predictable. And a company’s purpose has never been more important to how consumers view brands, or in how workers evaluate job opportunities. Growing an organization in this brave new era needs an equally brave new approach. 

At Prophet, we describe ourselves as a growth and transformation consultancy. We help organizations grow - not for growth’s own sake, but because growing, thriving organizations have real impact. They bring innovative new products, services, and experiences to the world. They challenge individuals, create career opportunities, and help them achieve their full potential. And they create the environment that helps a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace thrive. To help grow more human organizations, we choose to frame the organization as a macrocosm of the individual, having a collective DNA, Body, Mind and a Soul. 


Much like your own DNA – organizational DNA is comprised of the things that don’t change very often, and help shape direction of travel over the long term: corporate purpose, values, brand, strategy and employee value proposition.


The Soul includes the things that motivate employees to believe in the DNA: the mindsets, daily behaviors, and ways of working that help make the DNA a lived experience. And it’s the stories and symbols that are used to signal what an organization embraces, and what it does not.


The skills and capabilities of an organization’s talent. When nurtured and properly cared for, the potential of individuals makes audacious organizational goals possible. 


The Body represents how collective efforts are formally organized. It’s the operating model, organizational design, governance, processes, systems, and tools – all of which together provide a strong foundation on which to build and grow.

When helping our clients grow – either by transforming existing businesses or launching and scaling completely new ones – we think holistically across DNA, Mind, Body and Soul to ensure that all elements of the Human-centric Transformation model work in harmony. For example, we can’t think about organizational design (Body) without understanding the talent (Mind) that will operate in those structures. We can’t develop an effective talent strategy without having a clear and compelling employee value proposition (Soul). The Human-centric Transformation Model™ is the map we use to navigate growth, and to help individuals and teams thrive in the era of the Human Organization.

Learn more about Prophet's Transformation Model and work here. Troop Members, register here for Prophet's panel discussion Mind, Body, & Soul: A Human-centered Approach to Organizational Transformation on June 15th at 1pm ET.

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